Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27 2012
Gary had a tracheostomy put in yesterday to support his breathing. He is still constantly on the ventilator. Having the trach, he is able to be a bit more mobile and most of all his face is no longer restriced by the "mask" that was holding all the vent tubes in place. It felt good to see him relaxed after surgery and not constantly struggling against the tube. Although he still is not able to speak the family is confident in their ability to learn how to read lips! He rested very well and has been taken off the sedatives he was on so he will be able to stay awake longer and be able to participate in his therapy which began today. Color me thankful! He should also be able to have visitors and actually enjoy it. Brian and Brenda Johnson sat with him today so I could come home for awhile. He does not like to be alone so we are thankful for people who would like to visit. I have to return to work so I am able to preserve some of my FMLA for when he comes home and will need me more then.

Now to answer the burning question: Who is Sarah Young?
About 8 months or so ago I was given a devotional entitled "Jesus Calling", written by Sarah Young. Although I have read the devotions sporadically and declared aloud on many occasions "This is good stuff" I believe that God prepared the anointing on Sarah Young in advance for such a time as this. I have been encouraged, bolstered and help up spiritually, emotionally and physically by the truth of Gods word through this amazing work, and I am blessed. I know that this devotional will continue to encourage me and it is a 365 day devotional and I know I will need it every day. I gave these devotionals to Dana and Caitlin (daughters) for Christmas, it was in their hands just in time. FYI, not a believer in coincidence!

Today has been difficult for me having some brief moments of "fainting". I began reading in a book called Possessing the Gates of the Enemy by Cindy Jacobs, amazing book , on the cover it says "A Training Manual for Militant Intercession". Yikes, sounds a little scary. I have read this book before, and just needed a little reminder of what an Intercessor looks like. I was reminded of Matthew 18:19 and the importance of being in agreement with other believers in prayer. I stepped outside on the porch and began to cry out to my Abba Father and declare Jeremiah 29:11 over Gary and God's intent for him to bring good and not evil. I have to tell you that after being a Christian for a long time I tend to go past this verse and jump to verses 11 and 12 which speak of our part in that promise is about praying and seeking God, I think this is the accountability part. Anyway....when I came back in the house I had a Facebook Message from Jamie Wege citing the same verse. There it is agreement! In the midst of my "fainting" today God showed up!!!! Jehovah Shammah...The God who is present.
If you pray, please agree with me in praying for Gary to begin to get stronger so that his breathing comes into alignment with the way God created him, and if you don't quote Jean Klosterman " you are no good to me anyway!

I leave you Dear Reader with this encouraging word from Sarah Young's devotional which is written as if Jesus himself is speaking to us and completely scripture based.
"When things seem all wrong, trust Me anyway" (see Proverbs 3:5-6)

Relentless After Him,

I l

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